
Sacred Tobacco


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17 in stock



Tobacco holds a unique place among plants.  It was the crop most widely cultivated, used, and traded throughout the Americas.  Tobacco has been found in antiquity from the southern tip of South America all the way to the Northern territories of North America and everywhere in between.

Tobacco is a plant in the nightshade family. Nicotiana rustica is an old variety of tobacco that has been cultivated in the Amazon for many thousands of years.  This variety is very potent, often containing up to ten times the amount of nicotine that a standard leaf of nicotiana tobacum (commercial tobacco) may have.  Nicotiana rustica was actually the original tobacco that was planted as far as North America.  But, probably do to its commercialization, nicotiana tobacum eventually became more profitable as its smoother, less harsh quality lent to people being able to smoke more.

Tobacco, or mapacho as it is called in the Amazon, is a sacred medicine of people all throughout the Americas, where it is indigenous to.  It is often said that tobacco is the grandfather plant, from which all other plants sprung forth.  In the Amazon, tobacco has an almost universe appeal as medicine, spanning most indigenous groups.  It is taken in different ways, either smoked, snorted, or drunk.  When smoked it us used as a way to clear energy; both of a space and of a person.  In North America the passing of the pipe is symbolic of this type of use.  When important decisions were to be made, before any man spoke, he and the entire group would first inhale tobacco from the pipe.  In this way it was said that a man would speak from his heart, and he would speak the truth.

Tobacco is also said to help invoke the power of other plant medicines.  The indigenous people speak of other plant ‘spirits’ liking the tobacco spirit.

For better or worse tobacco has become a much maligned plant.  Sadly, when people speak of tobacco what they are often referring to is cigarettes.  Cigarettes are usually made with reconstituted sheet tobacco of very low quality.  The tobacco leaves are often grown with a tremendous amount of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers.  This doesn’t include the chemicals and bleaches and dyes that are added to the paper and filters.  A little known fact, when filters were first introduced, they were actually made of asbestos!  This melange of chemicals is what a person inhales into their lungs every time they light up a cigarette, often many times per day throughout one’s lifetime.  Many of the chemicals that are contained in cigarettes are know carcinogens, substances know to cause cancer.

Pure tobacco has been used medicinally for thousands of years, if not many many more.  Its sacred nature and medicinal properties have been used to learn and heal for many peoples throughout time.  Pure, natural tobacco, has never been associated with disease; quite the opposite, it is associated with the sacred, with the divine, with learning and healing.

This cultivar grows to about 3 feet with showy and abundant flowers and highly resinous leaves for curing. Striking and beautiful tobacco. Prefers full sun. Annual. Not Frost hardy.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Growing Tips

ANNUAL – ful sun, regular watering, not fussy about soil


Now taking orders for Spring 2025

Inventory will be updated next year as propagation gets underway. Feel free to reach out with questions and requests.

Wishing you all a sweet holiday season and a jolly new year!