
Black Cohosh


SKU: 31blackcohosh Categories: , ,

34 in stock



Bugbane, Black Snakeroot, Squawroot, Bugwort, Rattle Snakeroot, Rattle weed Rattle root. Graceful, towering plant, fern leaved and white flowered when in bloom. Originating from the east coast where it grows in the dappled shade of the hardwood forest to a height of 3-5 feet and a width of 2 feet. Black Cohosh is becoming increasingly rare in its native habitat due to harvesting pressure and rapid development of their habitat. Blooms July to August. Prefers soil rich in humus, moist conditions, high humidity, and filtered shade. The German Commission E has found Black Cohosh to be effective in the treatment of nervous conditions that are associated with menopause. It has reduced levels of luteinizing hormone associated with hot flashes and shown estrogenic activity similar to ERT. Also useful for joint pain. The rhizomes and roots are used. Perennial. Hardy to Zones 3-8.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Latin Name

Hardiness Zone


Growing Tips

filtered shade; rich, moist soil


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