


SKU: 228raspberry Categories: , ,

41 in stock



Usually enjoyed for its delicious, anti-oxidant rich fruit. The mineral rich Raspberry leaves are a valuable herbal medicine as well. Planted about 2 to 3 feet apart the plants will send up numerous suckers which are excellent to harvest for drying while the mature plant is capable of producing copious amounts of delicious berries in the spring and again in Fall in milder climates. They are delicious fresh, frozen, canned as jam or mixed with other fruits! The leaves were used primarily as a tea for mouth ulcers, sore throat, as an astringent for loose stools, and as a tonic taken specifically during pregnancy, but also highly valued as a mineral rich ally for men and women at any life stage. Prefers a good loam soil with decent drainage, reasonable fertility and some kind of trellis or support, as they can grow 4 feet in a season in ideal conditions. Prefers sun to partial sun. Partial sun in extremely hot climates. Perennial. Hardy to zone 4.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Latin Name

Hardiness Zone


Growing Tips

Sun to partial sun, well-drained soil


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Fall shipping has begun!

I prioritize the coldest regions, and I’ll keep shipping until it gets too cold to send plants. Feel free to email me with any questions.

Thank you, fall gardeners, for your orders!