
Plantain, Giant Turkish


SKU: 224plantain,giantturkish Categories: ,

11 in stock



The largest Plantain in the world. I have always had a fascination with gigantic forms of familiar plants. This plantain can reach 4 feet in height in fertile soil with gigantic leaves that lend a tropical feel to your landscape. Same medicinal virtues of any plantain with plenty of leaf matter for feeding your chickens, goats or using for compost. Definitely an unusual cultivar that will attract attention on the garden tour. Grows well in sun or shade. Perennial. Hardy to zones 3-9.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Latin Name

Hardiness Zone


Growing Tips

full sun to partial shade, rich, moist soil


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Fall shipping has begun!

I prioritize the coldest regions, and I’ll keep shipping until it gets too cold to send plants. Feel free to email me with any questions.

Thank you, fall gardeners, for your orders!