
Mimosa Tree


This fast growing leguminous tree originates from Southwestern and eastern Asia. The tree can eventually reach from 20 to 40 feet tall. They are very drought tolerant once established and not very fussy about soil.

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70 in stock



Persian Silk Tree , The Tree of Joy He-huan-pin

This fast growing leguminous tree originates from Southwestern and eastern Asia. It was first identified in Europe in the mid 1700s by an Italian by the name of Albizia, hence the Latin name. This medicinal tree has long been used in China, Japan, and throughout Central Asia and and the Middle East. Due to its popularity in the landscape trade and the fact that it grows quickly and produces a lot of seeds, these trees can be found over much of the world. The deciduous tree is known for its distinctive leaves which expand with sunlight and contract with the darkness or gray weather! The tree, which grows quickly, provides wonderful dappled shade in summer. It truly looks like it belongs in a Dr. Seuss book with its unusual leaves and unique pink puff like blooms. The flowers and bark of the tree have been used historically in Chinese medicine as a remedy for anxiety, depression, grief and general emotional stress. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, and can act as an adaptogen promoting a healthy stress response and can promote deeper sleep and a calm and more positive mood overall. Very easy to grow, the Mimosa Tree is quite hardy and grows very quickly once established. My 2 trees I planted are so big now I cannot reach any flowers!! The tree can eventually reach from 20 to 40 feet tall. They are very drought tolerant once established and not very fussy about soil. They do produce a lot of seeds but I have not had it be invasive, though some do complain that it spreads around. I highly recommend planting one of these whimsical trees in a corner where you want some dappled shade and a little more happiness in your garden! Hardy Perennial Zone 6-9

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Latin Name

Growing Tips

full sun to light shade, drought tolerant

Hardiness Zone



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Now taking orders for Spring 2025

Inventory will be updated next year as propagation gets underway. Feel free to reach out with questions and requests.

Wishing you all a sweet holiday season and a jolly new year!