Summer 2016 Newsletter

Welcome to the first ever Crimson Sage Nursery Newsletter Summer 2016


Summer is officially here with long hot lazy days especially if you happen to be a cat here at Crimson Sage Nursery sleeping away the day in an empty plant flat following an early morning catnip snack !!!! For the rest of us two legged – medicinal herb growers and gardeners summer marks the beginning of harvest season especially in the world of herbs. Many medicinals need to be picked at their peak potency just before or as they flower and then dried in a shady location out of direct sunlight !! This is the time of year when tinctures are macerating on the surface of the unused wood stove and St. Johnswort oil is out in the full sun turning redder every day!! The drying screens are covered with Calendula and Lavender, Vervain and Basil and we are having the biggest plum and nectarine crop in 13 years! There are water systems to fuss about as the weather warms and rain becomes a distant memory particularly in the western states with the annual summer drought. Established perennials do not need nearly as much water as a freshly planted herb but some occasional water is necessary in most situations through the hottest part of the summer. I often get the question at this time of year whether it is too late to plant?? Planting during the summer is not ideal in very hot areas but can be done successfully as long as you acclimate the plants slowly when they arrive, and plant them late in the evening and water them immediately or have them already set up on a drip-line. If you are living in a coastal area with summer fog, summer can be a great time to establish new perennials. Our plants arrive with very established root systems so once in the ground or a larger container they tend to grow quickly. An ideal time to plant is in the Fall so the plants have an entire winter to put their roots in the ground and establish themselves. When Spring comes these plants will quickly grow and thrive in your garden.


In gratitude to all of our wonderful customers, here is a selection of specially-priced, tantalizing choices for adding useful medicine, beauty, color and pollinators to your herbscape. We are offering these at substantial savings to you.

For more detailed info on each plant follow the links below:

Special Offer for our Newsletter Readers:

Add a Passion Flower to your Shopping Cart, then enter the following Coupon Code at checkout for $2 off regular price. Coupon Code: PassionZcdCJ

Now taking orders for Spring 2025

Shipping will begin in April.

We prioritize the hottest growing regions and will wait for the Last Frost date in your area before we ship your plants to you.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if you have specific needs regarding your shipment date.

Thank you for ordering plants from Crimson Sage Nursery!