This desert plant, native to South Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean is well known as the source of red dye for Persian carpets. The seed is used as a spice and in larger quantities as a hallucinogen. The fruit and the seed have both been used as a digestive aid, a narcotic, a uterine stimulant, a diuretic, and to rid the body of tapeworms. Historically, the seed has been used for treatment of epilepsy, mental illness, and sexual disorders. The extracted oil is said to be an aphrodisiac. The leaves have been used as a tea for rheumatism and the boiled roots can be used externally to help get rid of body lice. This plant may have been the sacred “soma” used by the ancient civilizations of India and Persia for spiritual awakening. An herbaceous perennial which prefers a sandy, well drained soil with full sun and responds well to a garden site if not overwatered. Grows to three feet. Perennial. Hardy to zones 7-10
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