
Red Stem Wormwood


SKU: 233redstemwormwood Categories: ,

11 in stock



Yin-chen. This useful artemesia is found naturalized throughout North Africa, tropical Asia and most of Europe. It has been used extensively in Chinese Medicine to remove damp-heat, treat jaundice, hepatitis and gallbladder inflammation and is an effective anti-bacterial treatment for several strains of Staph and strep.The entire aerial parts of the plant are used.The greenish/silvery leaves are highly fragrant and are a lovely contrast with the richly colored stems. Requires full sun and a sandy or well drained soil. Biennial. Hardy to zone 3.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Latin Name

Hardiness Zone


Growing Tips

Well drained, slightly alkaline, loamy soil. Drought tolerant.


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I prioritize the coldest regions, and I’ll keep shipping until it gets too cold to send plants. Feel free to email me with any questions.

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