
Mugwort, Native Californian


SKU: 208mugwort,nativecalifornian Categories: , ,

35 in stock



Moonwort, Kaat {Karuk Name}. One of my favorite local plants found growing from Northern Baja throughout California and much of the mountain west. Usually stands are found growing along the river bars in the gravelly soils and sometimes in the partial shade of Cottonwoods or Willows. This aromatic plant was an important medicinal for native peoples for easing flu symptoms, respiratory problems and easing labor pains. Herbalist, Michael Moore, hailed its effectiveness for treating gastric ulcers and biliousness from the over consumption of fats. The hot tea promotes sweating for colds and flu relief and the flowers make an excellent salve that is both anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. The tradition of using mugwort to induce wild dreams holds true for this species and it can be taken as a tea or slept on for this effect. Some people like to use it as an incense to purify an area for ritual and its aromatic, silver foliage can be dried and used in wreaths and bouquets. This plant does nicely in a domesticated setting but it requires a well drained soil and minimal watering . Plants can reach 3 to5 feet with pretty silver/green foliage and yellow tinged flowers. Full sun to partial shade. Perennial. Hardy to Zones 4-10.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Latin Name

Hardiness Zone


Growing Tips

full sun to partial shade, well-drained soil


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