


Grindelia is an extremely resinous herb aka Gumweed and grows best in hot sunny areas with dryish soils. Gumweed was commonly used for respiratory complaints and to this day it has gained wide acceptance as a soothing lung and bronchial aid.

SKU: 355Grindelia Categories: ,

8 in stock



Gum Weed, Tar Weed, Rosin Weed

Native throughout the USA this wonderfully useful native plant deserves recognition. Although Native Americans had long used Grindelia as a remedy for lung issues and topically for skin irritation, specifically Poison Ivy and Poison Oak, burns and eczema. American settlers did not realize its usefulness until well into the 1800’s but by mid-century Gumweed was commonly used for respiratory complaints and to this day it has gained wide acceptance as a soothing lung and bronchial aid. After a particularly horrid episode this winter of burying my face in my adorable, pine tree scented kitty and then having my entire face blow up to 3 times it ‘s normal size with poison oak I rediscovered the power of Grindelia as a powerful ally to help move along the poison oak healing process as fast as possible. Truly a valuable addition to the herbal collection. Grindelia is an extremely resinous herb aka Gumweed and grows best in hot sunny areas with dryish soils. Quite tolerant of poor soil and drought. Hardy Perennial. Hardiness Zones 7-10

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Latin Name

Hardiness Zone


Growing Tips

hot, sunny areas, dryish soils, drought tolerant


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