
Echinacea narrowleaf


SKU: 93echinaceanarrowleaf Categories: , , ,

28 in stock



This plant is native to the prairie land of the Western US.The most challenging Echinacea to grow in a garden setting, it is a slow growing plant easily prone to crown rot from overwatering but with careful neglect can do quite well. Flowers to 2 feet with sweet flowers with pale pink drooping petals much loved by pollinators. The root can be dug in fall after 2 to 3 years and is very strong medicine. The aerial parts of this particular species is not as strong medicinally as the root. Appreciates full sun and well drained soil. Hardy to zones 3-8.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Latin Name

Hardiness Zone


Growing Tips

Full sun, well drained soil


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