
Dyers Chamomile


SKU: 354dyerschamomile Categories: , ,

5 in stock



Golden Marguerite, Ox eye Chamomile, May Weed. This sturdy and easy to grow perennial originally from Eastern Europe forms a mound of blue-green serrated foliage followed by quantities of bright yellow daisy shaped flowers on 2 foot stems. They bloom over a long period and the copious yellow flowers are very attractive to beneficial insects. The flowers and aromatic leaves have long been a favored dye plant for wool and textiles for centuries producing a range of color from gold to yellow to orange. Not commonly used as a medicinal other than a weak tea or poultice for muscle spasms. Very drought tolerant and extremely hardy. Great choice for the Northern and high elevation garden!  Perennial enjoys full sun. Hardy to zone 3

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Latin Name

Hardiness Zone


Growing Tips

well-drained soil, full sun, drought tolerant


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