USDA Certified Organically Grown Medicinal Herbs, Certified by CCOF
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Encyclopedia of Herbs and Their Uses
By Deni Brown
This encyclopedia reviews the history of herbs around the world, including their role in Chinese, Native American, and Ayurvedic medicines. With chapters on garden plans and practical cultivation tips, it is also a great gift for the herbal gardener wanting to create a small plot for home use or a large-scale commercial project. 1,500 full colored photographs are combined with descriptions of thousands of species, varieties, hybrids and cultivars.
Hardcover (448 pages)

The Family Herbal
By Rosemary Gladstar
Guide to Living Life with Energy, Health, and Vitality is an all-in-one source for all ages. Founder of United Plant Savers and author of Herbal Healing for Women, demystifies the world of herbal healing and shares her expertise and recipes and formulas for herbal soups, salads, teas, tinctures, elixirs, creams, salves and baths for all ages. Gladstar points the way to physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, utilizing her natural means, but warns of the dangers of improper usage.
Hardcover (408 pages)

The Herbal Medicine Makers Handbook
By James Green
Excellent book resource for those who are just beginning their herbal adventures or as a reference for the advanced. More in-depth than your usual herbal recipe books, this book is packed with insights on how to extract herbs, make tinctures, and apply them properly. James has a great sense of humor and applies throughout his book.
Paperback (384 pages)

101 Medicinal Herbs
By Steven Foster
Color photos of 101 herbs provide a visual reference to identify the most frequently used herbs for health and healing. Arranged alphabetically, the listings include detailed information on herb forms, benefits, side effects and dosages. An index and resource guide are included, as well as cross-referencing section with information about easy to find remedies for various ailments.
Used Paperback (pages 224)

Invasive Plant Medicine
By Timothy Lee Scott
Invasive Plant Medicine demonstrates how these “invasives” restore natural balance and biodiversity to the environment and examines the powerful healing properties offered by 25 of the most common invasive plants growing in North America and Europe. Each plant examined includes a detailed description of its physiological actions and uses in traditional healing practices; tips on harvesting, preparation, and dosage; contraindications; and any possible side effects. This is the first book to explore invasive plants not only for their profound medical benefits but also with a deep ecological perspective that reveals how plant intelligence allows them to flourish wherever they grow.
Paperback (pages 384)

The Way of Herbs
By Michael Tierra
Michael Tierra, L.A.C., O.M.D. has taught and lectured extensively throughout the world and is the author of six other books including THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE and PLANETRY HERBOLOGY. Fully updated with the latest developments in herbal science, this book provides an essential guide to gaining and maintaining good health through a holistic approach.
Paperback (pages 416)

Growing 101 Herbs That Heal
By Tammi Hartung
This book gives instructions on how to maintain healthy soil and propagate a variety of herbs, garden maintenance, pest and disease control, and harvesting and drying roots, rhizomes, bulbs, flowers, buds, seeds, and fruit. The author writes about making herbal preparations as salves, tinctures, oils, and creams. The book includes chapters on cooking with medicinal herbs and contains recipes. She also talks about care, propagation, harvesting and medicinal benefits.
Paperback (pages 256)

Herbal Healing for Women
By Rosemary Gladstar
Rosemary Gladstar has taught herbology extensively throughout the United States and has led herbal travel adventures worldwide. Her experience includes 20 years in the herbal community as a healer, teacher, visionary, and organizer of herbal events. There are 4 subjects about women in this book: early maturity, the childbearing years, pregnancy and childbirth, and menopause. One of the most complete women’s herbal guides.

Indian Herbology of North America
By Alma R. Hutchens
An illustrated encyclopedic guide to more than two hundred medicinal plants found in North America, with descriptions of each plant’s appearance and uses and directions for methods of use and dosage. Helpful reference book for those desiring a greater understanding of cross-cultural applications of herbs.

Herbal Antibiotics
By Stephen Harrod Buhner
The era of the penicillin miracle is over. Through our indiscriminate use of pharmaceutical antibiotics in hospitals and factory farms, humans have created “Superbugs” – tenacious and virulent bacteria that develop resistance to solitary antibiotic compounds at an alarming speed.
In this empowering book, Stephen Buhner offers conclusive evidence that plant medicines, with their complex mix of multiple antibiotic compounds, are remarkably effective against drug-resistant bacteria. You’ll learn how antibiotic herbs such as aloe, garlic, and grapefruit seed extract represent our best defense against bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, and Salmonella and how their use will ensure that, in the future, antibiotic drugs will still be there when we really need them.
Paperback (141 pages)

Herbal Medicine from the Heart of the Earth
By Sharol Tilgner
Dr. Sharol Tilgner is an accomplished herbalist and naturopathic physician working in Oregon. A great reference guide that has combined several subjects into one invaluable book in researching effective formulas.
Paperback (384 pages)

Healing With Whole Foods
By Paul Pitchford
Pitchford says in his dedication that he hopes the reader finds ‘healing, awareness, and peace’ from following his program. The diet is certainly acetic by American standards (no alcohol, caffeine, white flour, fried foods, or sugar, and a minimum of eggs and dairy), but the reasons he gives for avoiding these “negative energy’ foods are compelling. From the adrenal damage imparted by coffee to immune dysfunction brought on by excess refined sugar, Pitchford spurs you to rethink every dietary choice and its ultimate influence on your health. Without being alarmist, he adds dietary tips for protecting yourself against the dangers of modern life, including neutralizing damage from water fluoridation (thyroid and immune-system problems may result; fluoride is a carcinogen). There’s further reading on food combining, female health, heart disease, pregnancy, fasting, and weight loss. Overall, this is a wonderful book for anyone who’s serious about strengthening his or her body from the inside out.
Paperback (750 pages)

By Lesley Bremness
Here is probably the most comprehensive guide to herbs ever published; 700 species are covered, augmented by 1,500 color photographs. Each compact entry gives the herb’s scientific family and species names; common species name; alternative common name from native regions; physical description; uses; unusual or notable features; habitat, uses, and related species, forms, varieties, or cultivars. Symbols indicate which parts of the plant are used (flower, leaf, root, bark, seed, etc.). The book is divided into six parts: trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennials, annuals and biennials, vines, and other herbs (including fungi and non-seed-bearing plants). A lucid and informative introduction explains in detail the parts of herbs: leaves and stems, flowers, seeds, fruits, and nuts, roots, bark, woods, resin, and essential oils. The introduction also offers tips on using herbs in cooking, their healing powers, herbs with other applications, and herb gardens. This visual guide to the world’s herbs is a gem that no gardener should be without.
Paperback (240 pages)

Herbal Remedies In Pots
By Effie Romain and Sue Hawkey
Everything you need to create safe, effective remedies is explained in easy-to-follow recipes. In addition to useful information on the medicinal properties of each herb and which parts of the plant to use, there are guidelines on dosage and application. Illustrated throughout with full-color photographs. Herbal Remedies in Pots is the perfect introduction to the therapeutic uses of herbs.
Hardcover (96 pages)

Childbearing Years
By Susan S. Weed
A confirmed favorite with pregnant women, midwives, childbirth educators, and new parents. Packed with clear, comforting, and superbly helpful information.
Beginning with the two months before pregnancy, herbs are enlisted to provide safe, effective birth control, or to help ensure pregnancy, even in the most difficult of situations. Herbs to avoid before pregnancy and a section to improve the father’s fertility and reduce the risk of birth defects. Herbal advice for during pregnancy and after. Humorous, tender, and detailed.

Herbs for Health and Healing
By Kathi Keville and Peter Korn
Seville, director of the American Herbalist Association, delivers an entertaining compendium of herbal medicine. Clearly and enthusiastically writing about the benefits of natural healing, Keville limits her coverage to those herbs that are safe for the novice. she includes simple instructions for making herbal preparations as well as guidelines for buying them. Grouping ailments by body system, respiratory, and digestive. She provides recipes for remedies that she has found effective in her 30 years of studying herbalism. Separate sections on men’s, women’s and children’s health problems offer treatments for conditions ranging from baldness and impotence to menstrual cramps and teething pain.
Paperback (544 pages)

Herbs For Your Health
By Steven Foster
Steven Foster has over 20 years experience in the field of medicinal herbs. He has authored numerous books on this subject,and is well renowned and respected in his field. 50 common herbs are explored in a title which uses small yet clear color photos to provide an identification guide and overview of herbal preparations. From picking and preparing the herbs to being careful of dosage and side effects, this provides excellent, practical advice.
Paperback (144 pages)

Healing Wise… The Wise Woman Way
By Susan S. Weed
Seven herbs – burdock, chickweed, dandelion, nettle, oat straw, seaweed, and violet are explored in depth. Each monograph includes the “voice” of the herb, a weed walk to encounter the herb in its environment, detailed instructions for harvesting and preparation, properties and uses for every part of the herb, pertinent facts, fun folklore, and recipes for gourmet foodstuffs, wines, beers, cosmetics, and more.

The Herbal Body Book
By Stephanie Tourles
A natural approach to healthier hair, skin and nails. How to transform common herbs, and fruits and grains into safe, economical and natural personal care items. Contains more than 100 recipes to make facial scrubs, hair rinses, shampoos, soaps, cleaning lotions, toothpaste, insect repellents and more. Each recipe includes prep time, yield, storage and usage tips. Stephanie is a lecturer at garden centers, herb shows, and health fairs in Massachusetts on gardening and herbal body care topics.
Paperback (128 pages)

Scented Geraniums
By Jim Becker and Faye Brawner
Necessary cultural advice is presented, along with information on propagating plants to enhance home interiors or to contribute splendid fragrance to summer gardens and frost-free climates year round. Although horticultural basics are clearly explained for beginning gardeners, plenty of in-depth material is aimed at accomplished gardeners. Includes landscaping and pruning tips, recipes, and a listing of highly recommended varieties and sources where they may be purchased.
Paperback (96 pages)

Menopausal Years
By Susan S. Weed
One of the world’s best selling books on menopause still comes on strong. Called ‘indispensable, ,incredible,, and a ,treasure trove of information’. Menopausal Years is the ‘bible’ for the 87% of American women over the age of fifty who want nothing to do with hormones.
Includes information and remedies for problems with premenopause – flooding, erratic periods, fibroids, spotting, water retention, muscle soreness – as well as menopause – hot flashes, sleeplessness, mood swings, headaches, palpitations, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and much more.

Medicinal Plants – Eastern & Central US
By Steven Foster and Jim Duke
A comprehensive guide to understanding the medicinal value of plants, trees, and shrubs. The book includes a well-planned index, attractive plates and illustrations, cross-references, and interpretive symbols regarding the plants’ uses. The text is well researched. Each entry gives the common and scientific name, a short description of the plant, its general location, and its utility in the field of medicine.
Paperback (368 pages)

Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook
Dr. James A. Duke
Leading herbal authority James A. Duke, Ph.D., gives the lowdown on virtually every healing herb available in today: its description and history, therapeutic uses, medicinal properties, prescription counterparts, dosage options, safety and effectiveness rating, and precautions.
Paperback (282 pages)

Making Plant Medicine
By Richo Cech
Making Plant Medicine is about making herbal medicine. This is a modern medicine making book and formulary with its roots in original herbalism designed for every medicinal herb gardener to cultivate the full potential of the plant-human relationship. Richo Cech tells very good stories based on his experience as a global wanderer, herbalist and medicine maker. In the context of his lifelong love of gardening, he has produced this long-awaited book that is original, amusing and absolutely useful. This book is a must.
Paperback (296 pages)

By Kathy Keville and Mindy Green
Kathy Keville is the Director of the American Herb Association. The Common-Scents Guide To Improving Your Health & Well-Being. Very well written and easy to follow recipes. This is probably the most useful guide ever written on aromatherapy. A Complete Guide to the Healing Art.
Paperback (158 pages)

Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way
By Susan S. Weed
For every woman interested in taking breast health into her own hands. The first third offers easy lifestyle changes, simple herbal additions, and tasty food recommendations to reduce risk and improve immune functioning. The second third helps those with possible cancer – what to do before you call the doctor, how to explore your options – and those diagnosed with cancer; including “alternative treatments to avoid”. Separate chapters detail complementary medicines for those using surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or tamoxifen. The last third focuses on the 30 most important anti-cancer herbs, with specific instructions for preparation and use. Down-to-earth, compassionate, and lyrical. Directory of helpful organizations.
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