Crimson Sage Nursery – Decemeber 2021 Newsletter

Crimson Sage Medicinal Plants Nursery announces a new website, gift cards, and more! Our healing plants are grown in Orleans, California, on the bluffs above the Klamath River We are very excited to announce our brand new website! CRIMSONSAGE.COM Our new site is easy to use from any mobile device...

Summer 2020 Newsletter

Crimson Sage Nursery Summer 2020 Newsletter Bronze Fennel with honeybees Summer is in full force here on the Klamath River with temperatures staying in the triple digits and warm nights that the plants love but the humans not so much!! We find our selves in a very different world from...

Winter 2019-2020 Newsletter

Crimson Sage Nursery Newsletter Winter 2019-2020 Planting a Medicinal Garden as an act of Resilience Stinging Nettles Spring is coming quickly and although February can normally feel quite wintery, this year it has been sunny and dry!! This does not bode well for our Mediterranean climate in the far northern...

Summer 2019 Newsletter

Crimson Sage Nursery Newsletter Summer 2019 Greek Mullein Welcoming in the Summer here on the Klamath River we have already experienced our first severe heat wave and most likely not the last one but thankfully the temperatures have mellowed and we have been blessed with warm summer days but not...

Winter 2018-2019 Newsletter

Crimson Sage Nursery Newsletter Winter 2018-2019 Crimson Sage Nursery in Winter   Here in The Klamath River Valley we feel those first glimmers of Spring quite early, so when January had several dry sunny weeks, I was soaking up the Spring energy in the air. Song birds singing in the...

Fall 2018 Newsletter

Crimson Sage Nursery Newsletter Fall 2018 Echinacea angustifolia Happy Fall to all our customers. It has been a crazy summer of intense heat waves, wild fire smoke (Luckily we were on the edges of it) and the whole west seemed to be in flames. The smoky skies are finally over...

Spring 2018 Newsletter

Crimson Sage Nursery Newsletter Spring 2018 Is it getting too late to Plant?? Thoughts and tips on establishing your Medicinal plants Springtime at the nursery is such a busy time. We are still starting seeds and potting seedlings trying to keep the inventory up all the while shipping many boxes...

Summer 2017 Newsletter

Welcome to the Crimson Sage Nursery Newsletter Summer 2017 SUMMERTIME AND THE LIVIN' IS EASY!! Summer is in full swing here on the Klamath River. The mountains are still so lush and green from the winter’s rain despite temps in the upper 90s everyday, The Salmon River free and undammed...

Summer 2016 Newsletter

Welcome to the first ever Crimson Sage Nursery Newsletter Summer 2016 SUMMERTIME AND THE LIVIN' IS EASY!! Summer is officially here with long hot lazy days especially if you happen to be a cat here at Crimson Sage Nursery sleeping away the day in an empty plant flat following an...

Now taking orders for Spring 2025

Shipping will begin in April.

We prioritize the hottest growing regions and will wait for the Last Frost date in your area before we ship your plants to you.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if you have specific needs regarding your shipment date.

Thank you for ordering plants from Crimson Sage Nursery!