


SKU: 184lovage Categories: , , ,

16 in stock



Lovage is an old time European herb which provides both culinary and medicinal uses. Commonly found in the monastery gardens of Medeival Times the Monks used its zesty leaves for cooking and as a remedy for aches and pains. All parts of the plant are edible and the seeds can be eaten like fennel seeds as a digestive aid. The leaves and root are high in quercitin while the leaves are antiseptic when used externally. Great for flavoring soup and savory dishes. Easy to grow and one of the first plants to return in the spring. It can achieve impressive size in a garden setting. Full to partial sun. Perennial. Hardy to zones 3-9.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Latin Name

Hardiness Zone


Growing Tips

full to partial sun, well-drained soil


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